7 secondes...
Khamouma li neka thi sama souf ak thi guinaw
Beugouma kouma khol oaldine yaw li neka si yaw
Roughneck and rudeness
We should be using
On the ones who practice wicked charms
For the sword and the stone
Bad to the bone
Battle is not over
Even when it's won
And when a child is born
Into this world
It has no concept
Of the tone the skin is living in
It's not a second
Seven seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I'll be waiting
It's not a second
Seven seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I'll be waiting
I'll be waiting
I'll be waiting
Paroles Seven Second - Youssou N'Dour
Les paroles de la chanson Seven Second de Youssou N'Dour
Paroles et traduction Youssou N'Dour : 7 Seconds - paroles de chanson
Youssou N'Dour : 7 Seconds paroles et traduction de la chanson
19e Printemps des Poètes
manifestation nationale et internationale
Du 4 au 19 mars 2017
Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions
Voir le Résumé Explicatif | Voir le Code Juridique